The Grand Gelinaz! Shuffle Stay in Tour – Silent Voices se hizo en Kjolle (Lima, Perú) con matrices de recetas de Noma (Copenhagen, Dinamarca).
The Grand Gelinaz! Shuffle Stay in Tour – Silent Voices se hizo en Kjolle (Lima, Perú) con matrices de recetas de Noma (Copenhagen, Dinamarca).
Escribe Paola Miglio (@paola.miglio)
Stay at Home de Gelinaz! Siguió llevándose a cabo en casa. El año pasado arrancó esta idea de intercambiar recetas de distintos restaurantes para ser reinterpretadas por chef y sus equipos en sus propios restaurantes y el movimiento paró. Ya no se viajó a cocinar, se agarróel fogón propio. Este 20202 pandémico la cosa se repitió en paralelo y por todo el mundo para dale voy a aquellos restaurantes que aún no pueden abrir sus puertas: The Grand Gelinaz! Shuffle Stay in Tour – Silent Voices se hizo en Kjolle (Lima, Perú) con matrices de recetas de Noma (Copenhagen, Dinamarca).
“Silent Voices porque realmente necesitamos apoyar a estos talentos” fue el mantra del creador de Gelinaz!, Andrea Petrini, quien para el 3 de diciembre organizó en diversas ciudades (Bangkok, Taipei, Mumbai, Lisboa, Buenos Aires, Lima, Ciudad de México, Río de Janeiro y Sao Paulo) un ejercicio que tejió una red de chefs simultánea en el que se involucraron no solo los dueños del restaurante anfitrión, sino también invitados de otras casas locales para recrear, con su propio estilo, matrices de restaurantes que cerraron por pandemia y están a la espera de reapertura (o no). Estas matrices no son recetas propiamente dichas, sino ideas que sirvieron de punto de inicio para los equipos desaten su creatividad. Foto Giancarlo Aponte.
En Perú, el local elegido fue Kjolle de la chef Pía León, quien junto con Virgilio Martínez (Central) se encargaron del primer paso: frutos del bosque con sargazos y conchas. “Creemos importante seguir produciendo, crear y conectar juntos desde nuestra ciudad con proyectos relevantes, retadores e interesantes que nos permitan sumar más gente en nuevas plataformas internacionales”, anotaron los chefs.
Luego le tocó el turno a Mitsuharu Tsumura (Maido) y James Berckemeyer (Cosme) con unos contundentes dumplings de chupe de camarón y carrillera; Francesca Ferreyros (Baan) y Jorge Muñoz (Astrid & Gastón) se inspiraron en queso fresco grillado y pesto de hierbas del bosque para dar vida a un balanceado congrio con loche y curry marino; Pía y Virgilio, nuevamente, en calabazas y morillas para un plato hecho con zapallo macre, cangrejo y hongos ahumados, y en cáscaras de mandarina y matcha para el postre fresco de cierre con cocoa y tumbo. Jaime Pesaque (Mayta) y Juan Luis Martínez (Mérito) reinterpretaron un flatbread de vegetales (Foto Giancarlo Aponte).
La secuencia siguió con un picoso y sabroso plato llamado Ma-Po-Mon-Go de José del Castillo (Isolina) y Renzo Garibaldi (Osso), que convirtieron hongos y tofu en un guiso con patita y mondongo. Mientras que Arlette Eulert (Matria) y Rodrigo Alzamora (Rafael) realizaron una lasagneta de erizos basada en una matriz que incluía buckwheat y pasta. Las matrices llegaron desde la llejana Dinarmarca, del Noma de Copenhague, y el envío fue hecho por la chef Mette Søberg. El menú fluyó en mesa en armonía, sabor y presentación, revelando el estilo de cada chef en parejas acertadas y entendimiento justo. Según se desarrolle el contexto, se viene un nuevo Gelinaz! para fines de enero.
By Paola Miglio (@paola.miglio)
Stay at Home by Gelinaz! continues at home. Last year and idea was launched, which proposed the interchange of recipes between different restaurants, for the dishes to then be reinterpreted by chefs and their teams in their own locales. As a result, movement ceased, chefs stopped traveling to cook, and, instead, sparked up the flames in their own kitchens. During this 2020 pandemic, the initiative was repeated all around the globe, in order to shine a light on the many restaurants that have yet to reopen their doors. The Grand Gelinaz! Shuffle Stay in Tour – Silent Voices took place in Kjolle (Pía León, Lima, Perú) with ingredient structures derived from recipes seen in Noma (Mette Søberg, Copenhagen, Denmark).
“Silent Voices because we really need to support this talent” was the mantra of Andrea Petrini, creator of Gelinaz!, who organized the event this past December 3rd, which took place in diverse cities across the globe (Bangkok, Taipei, Mumbai, Lisboa, Buenos Aires, Lima, Mexico City, Río de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo). This exercise brought together a network of chefs, involving not only the owners of host restaurants but also guests from other locales who were invited to create dishes inspired and guided by those from other restaurants that have been closed due to the pandemic and have yet to re-open (or will not re-open). The chefs were not given actual recipes, but rather, were provided with “matrix”: ingredients/ideas that served as a starting point from which chefs delved into the depths of their culinary creativity.
Kjolle from the chef Pia Leon, was chosen as Peru’s host location. Here Pia and Virgilio Martínez (Central) took care of the first phase: berries with gulfweeds and scallops. “We believe that it is important to continue producing, connecting, and creating together from our city, through interesting, challenging, and relevant projects that allow us to join with more people on international platforms,” shared the chefs.
Then came chefs Mitsuharu Tsumura (Maido) and James Berckemeyer’s (Cosme) turn with their satiating dumplings filled with crawfish stew and beef cheek; Francesca Ferreyros (Baan) and Jorge Muñoz (Astrid & Gastón) brought their well-balanced conger with loche squash and seafood curry to life with some grilled queso fresco and fresh wild herb pesto; Pia and Virgilio joined forces yet again for the squash and morel phase – combining macre squash, crab, and smoked mushrooms, as well as the closing phase, where they used tangerine peels, matcha, cacao, and tumbo fruit to create an innovative and refreshing dessert. Meanwhile, chefs Jaime Pesaque (Mayta) and Juan Luis Martínez (Mérito) took charge of reinterpreting a vegetable flatbread.
The sequence continued with a tasty and spicy dish called Ma-Po-Mon-Go, created by chefs José del Castillo (Isolina) and Renzo Garibaldi (Osso), who turned mushrooms and tofu into a stew with beef foot and tripe. Lastly, chefs Arlette Eulert (Matria) and Rodrigo Alzamora (Rafael) made a sea urchin lasagneta based on a recipe framework that included buckwheat and pasta. The ingredient lists arrived all the way from Denmark, sent by chef Mette Søberg of the restaurant Noma, in Copenhagen. The menu unfolded harmoniously in both presentation and flavor, revealing the different styles of each chef within the auspicious pairings. Depending on how the global context unfolds, a new Gelinaz! is scheduled for late January.
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